She... and I

I... wrote a poem... about how the Sun set on her lips... coloring them the perfect shade of love, making them... irresistably kissable, like... kissing a candle and having your heart suddenly burst into flames... She... acts as if my heart did not step sideways in my chest upon meeting her... redirecting love's journey in... Her direction, as if any conversation held with Her... could cover any subject other than... Her... effect upon the UnIverse. I... wrote a poem... about Her... read it at the foot of a mountain, where witnesses swear the mountain moved closer, to hear me speak about my love for Her, but... SHE... remained distant Do U love music? Do U know me? then U know why I... describe Her... as 'love's finest instrument'... waiting to be loved... to be learned... to be played. I… long to lay hands upon her and… coax her soul's music to the surface. She... is the 4 bars of perfect music used to compos...