
the mere idea...
of making love to her is my...
deepest meditation.

stellar bodies gyrate,
i move in...
perfect contemplation.

mindful of the the divine movement...
of our heavenly bodies from...
station to station...
navigating through celestial positions and...

the sweat of our bodies
becomes an ocean in...

liquid becomes gas as our awareness...
follow it's passage...
our pass...
through the atmosphere,

by our freedom from form and...
no fear to... transform...

into the... tear...

of a cloud that...
from an astral throne above, then...

back down...
showering our act of love.


the king and the queen...
dearly beloved we...
crown... this creation!


full circle... full cycle...
a magical... mystical... alchemy...
as the... flames of love's passion...
waters the seeds of...
love's civilization.

is there any wonder why...
i am so focused in rapture and...
tender concentration?

i discovered the best kept secret
of the UnIverse... deep...

within her...

add that to the ecstasy of loving her...
and you can see why my mind seeks...
a million ways to accomplish...
just one thing...

total penetration.

i wonder...

how deep...

is our love?

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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