
and so it begins... this... poem in progress.
this is the release of creative potential... thought seeds planted within the medium of... cyberspace. some of the seeds will definitely resemble poems, some... may not. i really don't expect words to ever be exactly what they are describing, they are just fingers pointing at the moon, so... don't bite my finger! just enjoy the experience of the moon.

in all of her phases... she is the force behind the rise and fall of... life's pulse, the beat... of all hearts.

This is a book! Don't let the appearance, or randomness of order fool you... this is a bonafide book. As I said before, "a poem in progress"... a journal, tracking the development of a human poem... written by the Grand Author of the Universe Herself... translated by me [her chosen vessel].
Imagine if you will... a man impregnated with a seed of awareness, from SHE... blessed to nourish this germ of life as it gestates into a living being... a "divine" example of inter-being... a massive conglomeration of elements.
Mental constructs... of a man molded by his family, environment, time, and circumstances... his interactions with the universe. The emptiness of cyberspace... filled with... everything and... nothing... illusory... like thoughts, here one second, gone the next.
This book is only here to attract your attention for a moment. If I get your full attention in the "now", then I will have it forever. Watch!

Creative Commons License
Radiant BE'IN! a personal practice of Right Livelihood by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


Anonymous said…
aiyee!!! and so it it should. with a seed being planted...with a man...and a woman...and a beginning. i pray you are well and blessed...your family as well...that all goodness come with and thru you and all that you hold dear to your Heart. May the full attention that you are hoping to get in the NOW...not in the future...may it Come to You and Surround you in Fullness!!!

Peace and Love to you Olusanya...may the beginning be blessed with what is Truth..what is Love...what is NOW.

Anonymous said…
You are a "rose that grew from concrete" and you are beautiful! O neva stop sharing cause u have given me more than you could imagine. Your words are sunshine for me on a day soooo cold. I thank you for that. Keep on sharing and keep on keeping on. Stay blessed...

"i dont know if you'll figure out who wrote this but if u do, membah me like the day u met me."
Unknown said…
that's what's so cool! every day... is that day!

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