crimes of... passion

[photograph courtesy of Denise Harris]

love is... so subtle... so slick... so seductive...
and so... difficult to see if you... only use your eyes.
its like... watching a black ant... shifting through the shadows...
as it... circles a black rock...
it will often escape your sight.
love will... sneak in... pillage and... plunder ALL!...
of the chambers of your heart... then...
disappear like a... thief in the night...
the only reason you'll know it was there...
is because... something is... missing!
Hey! where did my... ability to reason go?
where did my individuality disappear to?
how come I... cannot think... about anything except... U!
U see? love is a highwayman...
laying in wait upon life's many paths...
like a... nascent... narcissistic ninja...
who... comes to assasinate lonliness and...
gets all up... in ya...
who takes no prisoners and... accepts no quarter...
love lies in wait... constantly changing...
flavors and... shape.
to a woman experiencing a... thirst for passion...
HE... comes as water.
to a man... drunk from the ecstasy of love's wine...
SHE... appears as a succulent grape.
DAMN! love is an... oxymoronic crime like a...
voluntary rape?
it takes U... often against your will, but U...
like it... and gladly become it's willing victim.
see... sex can be safe but... love rarely is...
love... embraces one... just to... stick'em...
and... contrary to popular belief...
love does not last forever... because it...
abolishes all time.
time measures the movement of...
one thing towards or... away? from another,
but... no one embraced by love...
ever wants to move from... the ONENESS...
they experience with their... lover.
yeah! true love is a crime... violating ALL the laws...
in the... state of your mind... the "sentence"...
is LIFE!
INDEED! love will slay... all of that... ego...
needing no gun... hmmmph... needing no knife.
like the man with a... thousand faces and a...
thousand disguises... love always sneaks up on U...
always surprises!
GET IT? love is a... crime of passion, and...
lonliness... is it's number one victim
because... this is a... sho'nuff love poem...and I'm
ROB N B'HOOD [a.k.a BrothaHood] and I'm... sticking it...
NO! I've stuck it... to U ALL,
now give me that stuff... that sweet... that... funky... stuff.

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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