the I.R.S., kneegrows,and... 10 40's

these are some random thoughts that strung themselves together, after a recent conversation on the legal, voluntary nature of the personal income tax, and... the self-destructive tendency of so-called amerikkkan citizens refusal to think 4 themselves, or question their so-called leaders.

UnIversal in spirit... i still often approach these socially-accepted sicknesses from the skin i am in, meanwhile... under the surface of ALL of our skins... there remains... a world of suffering!

I remain a fugitive...
a fugee... a refugee...
from the I.R.S...
[Ignorance Related Slavery]
and the taxing of our...
gold minds.

federal reserve notes...
be like...
washington and jefferson's I.O.U's...
promises that... afRakan chattle...
converted into 14th amendment citizens...

[its freedumb time!]
will still cover the national debt...
and the  Ancestors...
blood... sweat... and tears...

at this rate... will keep new orleans so wet...
maafa bones that have been buried fathoms deep...
will creep... into our collective consciousness...
revealing ALL of our fears...

what if our freedom can't be found in a book... or a buck?
what if our problem is... not enuff of us...
give a F@*#?

brothas and sistas dying in the congo mines...
and still the hip hop nation promotes bling bling...
[savages in the mind-less pursuit of... good times?]
while an american sista said, "that nigga don't luv U...
where's the diamond ring?"

that shit makes about as much sense as...
down payments on... fake hair!
is it just me... or have we lost our sense?

and why do we keep... giving away our cents?

we can't keep track of our senses...
while they track us in their census...

baa baa black sheep... have you any wool?
well massa... I had a nickel bag full...
but it went up in smoke like...
all of my... american dreams.
but thats whats cracking... right?

so middle-class Kneegrows [named Jones] submit 1040's, and...
lower-class Kneegrows [who forgot their names] sip 10 forties
[but not b4 they pour some out for the brothas/sistas in lockdown]...

[meanwhile... 4 blocks from the whitehouse...
another low-income project gets... knocked down], and...
check it...
the I.R.S. has you thinking the only sure things in life are...
yeah... that's right... DEATH... and TAXES.
What about the suffering of the masses?

isn't it a bit ironic?
free individuals dont necessarily have to pay income tax... but they do,
to be free... individuals have to think... but they dont...
aint that some shit!

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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