She Is A Raindrop

She… is a raindrop…

she is a raindrop that transformed from a tear.
she is a raindrop that transformed from a tear of joy, that…
fell from the right eye of the Creator, on the birthday of creation and the… beginning of time,
to measure it’s love, celebrate it’s beauty and it’s… newborn ability to reflect upon its… Self,
that hidden treasure that desired… to BE known.
she… is a raindrop

She… is a raindrop…

she is a raindrop that began as a single bead of sweat.
she is a raindrop that began as a single bead of sweat bourn upon the backs of two lovers…
bathed in moonlight, oblivious to time as their souls are summoned to the throne of passion,
to bow down to each other’s divinity , in word and… deed,
eagerly greeting the morning sun with a… sacred act.
she… is a raindrop.

She… is a raindrop…

she is a raindrop that started as a smile.
she is a raindrop that started as a smile on the surface of the sun as it looked upon the earth and…
saw two lovers  engaged in love’s ritual, seeking a return to… Oneness… that… right “I”ness…
of the… Most Highness…  cuz creation needs participation, and…
human cooperation often produces precipitation, so the sun shines…
raising the lover’s dew to… heavenly heights.
she… is a raindrop.

She… is a raindrop…

she is a raindrop that fell in love…
she is a raindrop that fell in love, after being raised to heavenly heights… by a smiling sun,
you see… that is the only time the word… “fall”… should ever precede the word “love”
because in the “natural” order… only angels fall, so that humans may rise… so a smiling sun
some… One… like me! draws her water upwards, as our energies alchemize…
higher and higher until love… rains from the skies…
she… is a raindrop.

She… is a raindrop…
I have tasted…
she is a raindrop I have tasted, with the flavor of forever in her…
exquisite, gentle…
a promise of sublime bliss…
endless and… serene.
she… is a raindrop.

she is a raindrop that transformed from a tear of joy, that… fell from the right eye of the Creator, on the birthday of creation and the beginning of time, to measure it’s love, celebrate its beauty… and it’s newborn ability to reflect upon it… self… that hidden treasure that desired… to BE known. a single bead of sweat bourn upon the backs of two lovers… bathed in moonlight, oblivious to time as their souls are summoned to the throne of passion, to bow down to each other’s divinity, in word and… deed, eagerly greeting the morning sun with a… sacred act, that... started as a smile on the surface of the sun as it looked upon the earth and saw two lovers  engaged in love’s ritual, seeking a return to… Oneness… that… right “I”ness  of the… Most Highness…  cuz creation needs participation, and… human cooperation often produces precipitation, so the sun shines… raising the lover’s dew to… heaven. a raindrop that… fell in love, after being raised to heavenly heights by a… smiling sun, u see… that is the only time the word… “fall”… should ever precede the word… “love”… because in the “natural” order… only angels fall, so that humans may rise… so a smiling sun… some… One… like me! Draws her water upwards, as our energies alchemize… higher and higher until… love… rains from the skies…

she… is a raindrop I have tasted… with the flavor of forever in her… exquisite, gentle… a promise of sublime bliss… endless and… serene, and…

so the circle may remain unbroken…

she… is a… raindrop, and i…

eternally thirst.

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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