the sun is... shining

the... sun is shining...
the... sun is... shining...
the sun is... shining...

the sun is shining it... always is... that is it's nature...
although... at the time of this writing...
it is through the haze of... canadian widlfires

the wind... still whispers in my ear...
the birds in the trees tell 'A'... story only they can tell...
their... musical language in praise of the... Most High...
the only... "spin"... being put on it... is the gentle revolution of her...
Earth... as she revolves... around the sun...
his light... fingers... softly tracing the... surface of her skin...
i see an... underlying beauty... throughout this... creation...
my secret... to love, peace, and... happiness... is found therein...

while... man tells tall tales of his... own glory...
nature speaks with... every facet of her BEing... a witness...
to the beauty of the... ONE. you wonder why?

i meditate on the... ocean... the sun and... moon... attracting powers...
put her... watery garments in...motion... the churning of her...
primordial element... gives birth to the... cycles of...
life and... time as... thoughts of her BEcome the... fertile soil...
wherein ONE may cultivate a... BEautiful mind...
a mind that... measures time by... moving in... tune...
harmony with she... is a... celestial alignment like...
the Earth and Sun at... high noon... ONENESS!
casts no shadows... there is no illusion of... creator and... creation...
the essence of... U and I is... ONE...
the singular shades of our... individuality... cannot...
stand up to the light of... love's unity...
if this is not BEing... clearly received by your... spirit... then...
adjust your mental station... fine tune your mind to a... higher frequency...

manmade TV tells... lies to your vision... you cannot trust what you see...
or what your... ears may hear... over a... radio...
learn the language of your mother Earth... before you make what...
may become a... life and death decision...
nature broadcasts in... organic surround sound... you see...
everywhere you go... there... YOU are!

there is nothing to worship... i am the god... you are the goddess...
it is the... light of our love... made manifest in the..
sun... the moon... and the stars... shiva and... shakti...
the interaction of... yin and... yang... is the story of...our love...
told time and.. time again throughout this... unfolding creation...
yeah! every time we... allow ourselves to... melt... this...
coming together... this! is the... original BIG BANG!

Hmmph! this is the story that... nature told me this morning...
as i watched... the sun through... canadian wildfires... the wind...
whispered in my ear and... the birds in the trees sang...

how do you do it?

allow yourself to be... continually distracted...
by... televisions... radios and... all of those... manmade shows...
while the... ONE who is... ALL... is producing the...
"Greatest show on Earth"... before your very eyes...
the roles of... leading man and... leading lady...
although UnIversally cast remain... UnIversally un-acted...

the Most High's play... which is real... has been adapted...
into a... movie reel... when will we stop... acting according to...
man's script... learn our... divinely inspired... role... stop...
acting... out... of character... according to... how you feel...
help to make the Earth... whole... again...
when will we listen... to our creator's story... as told by... Mother Nature...
and... pardon my language but... F@#% the story of men

the sun is... shining... it always is... that... is my nature.

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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