
Showing posts from October, 2005


while... conversating with trees... I watched as... they got drunk from... wine-colored leaves... I ... sipped on... sunlight... transformed by... melanin... half-baked I ... receive... revelations! thru my skin... visions altering realities... perceptions... synchronicities unveiling mankind's... deceptions... quantumly strung on... solar charged... organic hallucinogens... I'M HIGH! on this... Life! so... where other poems end... this U.N.I. verse only begins... to show and... tell a reality of... revolution... be careful, keep up! our Mother Earth spins... for a reason... do the knowledge... for everything in life... there is a... time and a... season... FOR REAL Y'ALL ... the time for... boycotts... marches... and sit-ins... is... OVER! no time... left for protests... only solutions. the HER ...ricanes are the.. prelude now... HIM ... HE ...[ ME? ]... that SUN U see... is about to go... SUPERNOVA! Ameri...ka... ka...

adding on...

[photograph courtesy of Denise Harris ] killing me softly... with her words! have u ever been consumed by the... fires of another's passion? see i... lay down with her amidst our... mutual desire... burning... burning within... unearthly flames... nerves raw... exposed to sensations... that... don't even have names... these words... these are the words of a phoenix... waiting to be born... thru her. waiting... to... be born by... this... womb... man... this... abundant earth... a... beautiful mind... gives birth to... the... MOST HIGH plan... [not the... "appearance"... of illusions proposed by... little devils and the... best-laid plans of... man... kind] SHE... is the "right" hand of God... when... HE ... comes thru... HE[R] ... Luv is what's... "left" ... do U mind? Let's get it on... Oww... baby... Let's get it on... U know... what I'm talking bout... C'mon baby ... all of the... luv that is...

practice... makes perfect

practice... DOES... make perfect! ask Jesus. who's practice leading a life of luv for... ALL that is living... raised him to perfection. although there were some who... couldn't hack this... thus... the resurrection. still... there is the sacrifice... for those who settle for... nothing!... less than that which is... MOST HIGH. so... yeah! go ahead lazarus... allow your ego to die... Isa is in the room, and... he wants to resurrect someone... thru the creative breath of... spirit... the... word made flesh. wrote a poem about it... wanna hear it? here it... go. giving thanks and... praise... to the drama and the... tragedy... that caused the... death of... olusanya... allowing the... "I AM"... to be.. free... FREE... to be... filled full... and to... fulfill a... poetic destiny! rising from my own ashes... see... i was... baptized by fire this time... cooked! the man and the... chickpea. Ya Allah... Alhamdu Maulana Jelalludin R...

a healthy alternative...

this poem introduced itself to me about a week before one of the Bulanians annual W.E.T Wednesdays [ W onderful E rotic T reats] poetry slams, asked me if i could take it to another level of eroticism... tasteful and tasty! i knew there had to be a way i could... express my passion... and the... pleasures of u... in a fashion that... set a new measure of just... who and.. what u are and... what u do to me. see... when we make luv its... never nasty... its always... nicety... so i... had to make this poem tasteful cuz... Mmmmm... your so... tasty! and right now... let me... raise the level on what u label... erotic poetry. speak... body language cuz... talking aint saying a word... unless they... penetrate your being, so... sit back... relax... let me whisper words of... passion in your ear... sounds with a... higher vibration of luv... giving u an... eargasm... from what u hear... making u... want to tell everybody... what u... heard. consider this...

why I sMILe...

to exist as a... thought... in a fertile mind... such as yours... gives birth to a single smile... folded upon itself a thousand times... ten thousand times... so many times that... it's energy becomes the collapsed light of a... UNIverse unfolding... where... I become your world... at the same time... U become mine... and everything under the sum of... these suns... is a child of... ONE! thought... ONE! aim... ONE! destiny. deep... penetrating... thoughts... shared... thru U and Me... they're like... sex in the morning... hugs before bedtime, and... kisses while U dream. in other words... awake or asleep... U are on my mind. do I have to tell U... it is the experience of U that makes me happy...or... can U see it when I smile? so... i'm going down... to southern hemispheres where... soul food abounds, flesh covered mounds... nourish luv-starved spirits... passion plays... songs of desire for all who... strive to live it, not just... hear it. how have...

speaker for the dead

i seek... to point out patterns in life thru... poetry that is written in-between the lines and''' off of the paper, still... clearly represented in the words... presented by a presence seen and... unseen... the author is an... Ausar... omni-present... ALL-I SEEING... pyramid of matter, multi-dimensional... BEing... liquid... solid... vapor... my... trans[ce]-mission is to... trans[ce]-end... the mindset of the.. original earth... raper... [that's... mutha fucka for all... giants still... "sleeping"] the god... hard... steps becuz... the devil's... still creeping... thru cracks in your... mental constructs... where he... conducts... cognitive manipulations so we won't... MAN UP... and... build a... just and free nation... "word is bond"... the enemy is not a... "white movement"... it is a... "black stagnation"... realize! there is nothing that can stop... a people filled with the... spirit of the...

things go better with... coke?

i had to get this off of my chest while the in-sights are still fresh... and my ability to think is still free. i just received another forwarded email explaining that... since they broke their contract with kanye west, as a result of his comments after katrina... that i should... boycott pepsi. does anyone else see the irony in this bullshit... or is it just... me? the last time i brought a coke or pepsi u can be sure it was to remove the corrosion building up around the terminals of my car battery. i honestly see no other reason that a sane person would buy it... surely not to put it within this fine work of art called... the HUman body. seriously... when i worked for the hartford civic center we would clean the grills we used to cook the sausage and hot dogs on with sprite, have them badboys gleaming... while the industrial cleaner sat in the corner. who in their right minds would put something with such corrosive capabilities in their body? fuck boycotting pepsi ...