
while... conversating with trees... I watched as... they got drunk from... wine-colored leaves... I ... sipped on... sunlight... transformed by... melanin... half-baked I ... receive... revelations! thru my skin... visions altering realities... perceptions... synchronicities unveiling mankind's... deceptions... quantumly strung on... solar charged... organic hallucinogens... I'M HIGH! on this... Life! so... where other poems end... this U.N.I. verse only begins... to show and... tell a reality of... revolution... be careful, keep up! our Mother Earth spins... for a reason... do the knowledge... for everything in life... there is a... time and a... season... FOR REAL Y'ALL ... the time for... boycotts... marches... and sit-ins... is... OVER! no time... left for protests... only solutions. the HER ...ricanes are the.. prelude now... HIM ... HE ...[ ME? ]... that SUN U see... is about to go... SUPERNOVA! Ameri...ka... ka...