things go better with... coke?

i had to get this off of my chest while the in-sights are still fresh... and my ability to think is still free.
i just received another forwarded email explaining that... since they broke their contract with kanye west, as a result of his comments after katrina... that i should... boycott pepsi.
does anyone else see the irony in this bullshit... or is it just... me?

the last time i brought a coke or pepsi u can be sure it was to remove the corrosion building up around the terminals of my car battery. i honestly see no other reason that a sane person would buy it... surely not to put it within this fine work of art called... the HUman body. seriously... when i worked for the hartford civic center we would clean the grills we used to cook the sausage and hot dogs on with sprite, have them badboys gleaming... while the industrial cleaner sat in the corner. who in their right minds would put something with such corrosive capabilities in their body? fuck boycotting pepsi becuz they dropped kanye west... boycott pepsi becuz that shit might drop U! dead in your tracks... literally! boycott coke becuz they are hiring paramilitary forces to kill people in the poorer nations where they have their bottling plants... for doing something as outrageous as trying to form a union, so they can receive decent pay for their work.

we have to stop jumping on bandwagons just becuz individuals dress them up as causes... we need to stand up for ourselves, but we must stop falling for every bullshit protest and petition that hits the airwaves. this aint no voting for the top forty bullshit. kanye west is an entertainer, not a spokesman for original people. he may speak for these mindless, artificial corporations, but he can't speak for me. even if i wanted him to speak for i... he lost that shit when he started being a damn pitchman... along with common and mos def. u can't speak for corporate amerikkka and represent olusanya in any form or fashion. my blackness is not for sale! we act like a brotha or sista can do anything as long as they "get paid", like that is the mark of success. THAT'S BULLSHIT!

what the fuck are u doing still drinking carbonated beverages for anyway? why are u gulping down the same shit u breathe out as a waste product of your respiration? now someone sends u an email saying, "boycott pepsi"... so u do so without hesitation. u wouldn't do it for your own health, but u do it for another person's so-called wealth. wake the fuck up!!! the united states has become a nation of followers, who have lost their ability to make conscious decisions based upon their own understanding/overstanding/any type of standing... as long as it's on your own truth and square!

when i saw common doing a commercial for coca-cola i immediately sat down and penned a poem called "poetry for prophets" [its in the archives... check it out]. i'm dead set against our art forms being exploited to sell their bullshit. its bad enuff that we allow these madison avenue pimps to continue to sell us this nightmare they call the american dream, without allowing them to use our creative spirits as their public relations tools. am i saying that artists cannot sign endorsement deals? NO! i am saying we need to make "conscious" decisions to endorse life, not death. choose products to endorse that are not made by companies that exploit poorer nations/people of color [HUEmen BEings], or that do not manufacture products that damage our bodies and our planet.

u want to get angry about something? get angry about the fact that we spend more time complaining about what america does than we do examining our own behavior and identifying the areas of our lives that perptuate this bullshit... and the fact of the matter is... the hip hop culture has become a major factor in the promotion of mindless consumerism and consumption, promoting the continuous rape of our planet for its resources so they can have their bling and drive their hummers with the rims that spin [yeah... mindlessly spinning like the brains of black people still bamboozled].

should i boycott kanye west for promoting mickey dee's and their supersized unhappy-definitely-not healthy meals? make a decision people... revolution means change. if u want a stop to the bullshit then... stop the bullshit. if u want to change the condition that u are living in then... change the way u live.

U want to see a revolution? then BE... a revolution! talk is cheap... unless your words are up for sale to the highest bidder. ask kanye... he can tell u better than me!


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