adding on...

[photograph courtesy of Denise Harris]

killing me softly... with her words!

have u ever been consumed by the...
fires of another's passion?
see i...

lay down with her amidst our... mutual desire...
burning within... unearthly flames... nerves raw... exposed to sensations...
that... don't even have names... these words...
these are the words of a phoenix...
waiting to be born...
thru her.

waiting... to... be born by... this... womb... man...
this... abundant earth... a... beautiful mind... gives birth to...
the... MOST HIGH plan...
[not the... "appearance"... of illusions proposed by...
little devils and the... best-laid plans of... man... kind]
SHE... is the "right" hand of God... when... HE...
comes thru... HE[R]... Luv is what's... "left"... do U mind?

Let's get it on... Oww... baby... Let's get it on... U know... what I'm talking bout... C'mon baby...

all of the... luv that is... me... SHE...
takes within and then... brings out...
thus... SHE... becomes the... breath...
of feminine spirit... defining the dimensions... of my...
luv's expression... carrying my... poetry...
to new heights where... ascended souls can hear it...
did i mention... without her there... is no... me?

it is the... knowledge of... HER... added on to my... self?
that causes... US!
2... BE.

that's why!... i call her... ME.


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