practice... makes perfect

practice... DOES... make perfect!
ask Jesus. who's practice leading a life of luv for...
ALL that is living... raised him to perfection.
although there were some who... couldn't hack this...
thus... the resurrection.
still... there is the sacrifice... for those who settle for... nothing!...
less than that which is... MOST HIGH.
so... yeah! go ahead lazarus... allow your ego to die...
Isa is in the room, and... he wants to resurrect someone...
thru the creative breath of... spirit... the... word made flesh.
wrote a poem about it... wanna hear it? here it... go.
giving thanks and... praise... to the drama and the... tragedy...
that caused the... death of... olusanya... allowing the... "I AM"... to be..
free... FREE... to be... filled full... and to... fulfill a... poetic destiny!
rising from my own ashes... see... i was...
baptized by fire this time... cooked! the man and the... chickpea.
Ya Allah... Alhamdu Maulana Jelalludin Rumi!
abandoning all man-made scripts of... who i'm supposed to be...
"acting"... according to roles written by... pontificating old and... new age prophets...
preaching to a choir who cannot... hear... speak... or see.
pushing ALL! of your... emotional buttons... no need for individual enlightenment...
"i'm your preacherman... just.. feel me."
oh! and... don't forget your tithings... our building fund is... in need of... mo'money.
STOP IT! if the hope is still alive and... the spirit is... willing...
how come every time i go thru... brooklyn...
every block i go down has... at least two churches...
alongside... two or three... abandoned buildings... and...
its getting harder and harder to... tell them apart.
seems like... if this is a race for... souls... the devil in us...
has a... "helluva"... headstart!
we have been effectively... separated... from our spirits...
no wonder we are... falling apart.
all of this to say what? absolutely nothing... all the above?
just blowing smoke... a little poetic prelude... to a "Jair inspired"... knock knock joke.
Knock! Knock!
whos there?
Jesus who?
the G is US! that's HU!
practice... DOES make perfect.
ask Jesus. SHE's... probably sitting next to you.


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