
Showing posts from August, 2005

crimes of... passion

[photograph courtesy of  Denise Harris ] love is... so subtle... so slick... so seductive... and so... difficult to see if you... only use your eyes. its like... watching a black ant... shifting through the shadows... as it... circles a black rock... it will often escape your sight. love will... sneak in... pillage and... plunder ALL!... of the chambers of your heart... then... disappear like a... thief in the night... the only reason you'll know it was there... is because... something is... missing! Hey! where did my... ability to reason go? where did my individuality disappear to? how come I... cannot think... about anything except... U! U see? love is a highwayman... laying in wait upon life's many paths... like a... nascent... narcissistic ninja... who... comes to assasinate lonliness and... gets all up... in ya... who takes no prisoners and... accepts no quarter... love lies in wait... constantly changing... flavors and... shape. to a woman ex...

a UnIverse... in the mix!

she said,... "your words change everything"... but it is SHE... who has changed ME! if our bodies were... in close proximity... or as... intimately connected as... our spirits... we would... probably be making... babies. still... transcending time and... space... merging the energies of... sunshine and... wind... we give birth to... poetrees... with... talking leaves... special effects of this... sun and moon. mother earth and.. father sky... seek to be in tune and... our concepts conceived build... bridges... from here... to eternity. conscious beings... gifted with... imagination... SHE visits ME... in my sleep and... WE... dream together! new realities and... new worlds where... individuals are... free! free to love... two love... beyond form. see... my mother earth.. is the... ultimate deejay! as SHE spins... on her axis... turning tables and... flipping scripts... mixing and... merging magical... harmonies. SHE... cause me to... DANCE! to a....

four seasons [and i aint talking bout bread crumbs]

have i ever told you how much i love the cycle of the seasons? you should see them where i live [see the four seasons from my perspective!]. In winter its like your surrounded by a crystal forest... the trees are covered with ice, sometimes so heavy that you can stand outside and listen to branches giving way to the weight of the ice... CRACK! like wooden thunder. hmmm... the sound of SHE... bearing the weight of life as it develops deep with her BEing. you know the life is there but you can't see it. it's trapped... becuz the earth and sun have not inclined themselves towards each other in a harmonious manner. i can feel her, but... i can't... reach her. spring... can i... begin to reawaken the hibernating mother... the sleeping goddess, and all of the life that has been gestating within her womb causing it to... reveal itself to me... again! like the Creator is playing peek-a-boo with creation... ha ha ha... now you see me... now you don't! the sun and the ea...

a flower blossoms

[photograp courtesy of Caterina Ravaglia ] a gentle flower... growing wild... i... stopped to smell her... scents as they... rose... like... an olfactory phoenix setting my... senses aflame this... mother of all flowers. meditating... under the same tree where... an apple landed on my head alerting me... to the gravity of the situation... her centrifugal attraction keeps me... revolving around... her... grounded by... her... "BE"ing. i will storm the gates of eden if necessary... cuz... tending her flower bed... is my destiny. there is absolutely no need to warn me... of trees and their... fruit. don't you know? i've never really been into apples... eve... vive... shakti... whatever you want to call her... SHE... on the other hand... may find herself... on the menu! as love devours the UnIverse. frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported ...