a UnIverse... in the mix!

she said,... "your words change everything"...
but it is SHE... who has changed ME!
if our bodies were... in close proximity...
or as... intimately connected as... our spirits...
we would... probably be making... babies.

transcending time and... space...
merging the energies of... sunshine and... wind...
we give birth to... poetrees... with... talking leaves...
special effects of this... sun and moon.
mother earth and.. father sky...
seek to be in tune and...
our concepts conceived build... bridges...
from here... to eternity.
conscious beings... gifted with... imagination...
SHE visits ME... in my sleep and... WE...
dream together!
new realities and... new worlds where...
individuals are... free!
free to love... two love... beyond form.
see... my mother earth.. is the...
ultimate deejay!
as SHE spins... on her axis... turning tables and...
flipping scripts...
mixing and... merging magical... harmonies.
SHE... cause me to... DANCE!
to a... whole... new... groove!!!
there's no... wallflowers in nature... it's time to... MOVE!
your body.

luv... is putting your hand in... someone's back pocket, walking through woods... picking daisies... dreaming of the... days we...
will spend together... writing poems... with each other.


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