four seasons [and i aint talking bout bread crumbs]

have i ever told you how much i love the cycle of the seasons? you should see them where i live [see the four seasons from my perspective!]. In winter its like your surrounded by a crystal forest... the trees are covered with ice, sometimes so heavy that you can stand outside and listen to branches giving way to the weight of the ice... CRACK! like wooden thunder. hmmm... the sound of SHE... bearing the weight of life as it develops deep with her BEing. you know the life is there but you can't see it. it's trapped... becuz the earth and sun have not inclined themselves towards each other in a harmonious manner. i can feel her, but... i can't... reach her.

spring... can i... begin to reawaken the hibernating mother... the sleeping goddess, and all of the life that has been gestating within her womb causing it to... reveal itself to me... again! like the Creator is playing peek-a-boo with creation... ha ha ha... now you see me... now you don't! the sun and the earth... still maintaining their individual orbits, independent of each other... begin to move towards each other... again! you see leaves sprouting on the same branches that had been previously bare and encased in ice. perhaps SHE... is warming to my overtures! by the time spring is in full gear the forest around you is ... melanic... mother nature having clothed herself in a full spectrum of colors and sounds, her life sings about the warmth of the sun as he tickles the surface of her skin. at night you fall asleep to crickets chirping in four part harmony [and if your smart and hang different size wind chimes...Iya Fefe the mother of all winds will play them as only she can... night songs... a lover's serenade]. those who still recall what love sounds like... recognize the voice of these two... natural lovers, as they coo in each other's ear.

summer... her life is teeming... catalyzed by the warmth of the sun and his externalized creative energies. the creation of renewed life and growth is at the heights, the peak of it's expression. everywhere you look you see evidence of the interaction of yin and yang, earth and sun. yeah!... as the sun heats up the surface of her body drawing her waters up...until they rain back down upon her, combined with the energy of his BEing... Damn! don't u just love it... when a plan... comes... together... ha ha ha... giving birth to UnI... verses.

the fall is very precious becuz it reminds us that nothing stays the same and... everything must change, some times are... good and some times are... i won't say bad [cuz its all good], but they are not quite as comfortable, so in fall... remember... the rough times are the best times! appreciate this cycle, the ebb and flow as each drop seeks to return to that ocean, egos drowned by love. it aint the spring or summer... and yeah... winters on the way, see... we... still have our own rotation and orbit, and we don't always move at the same rate and in the same direction. we know that... chances are good... we will move away from each other at... times, so... let's take a minute or two to look at all of the growing we did, chill out and slow down [cuz winter will slow that ass down] and see how we can make next spring and summer even better! you know what i'm saying? mo' hotter... mo' wetter! let's use our time apart... as a blessing!
see... without all four seasons... i don't know if i could truly appreciate the nature of love and our... BEing.

ha ha ha... knowing that... i remember that every day of the four seasons should be looked at... as if it were the first day you realized that... love calls.

you inspi-I-I-I-ired me... to dance!


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