mind the gap

"mind the gap between the platform and the train."

she said she was...
thinking too much... anticipating... dreaming...
dreaming manifesting...
going back east to... take care of her grandmother who...
always took care of her.

"mind the gap y’all"...

"mind the gap"... means...

"goodbye"... in england... in beijing, china it's... "won chi ba."

sometimes in life you can't... tell if your... coming or going and...
life has a funny way of... putting us in the right place...
at the ... right time, even... if we don't always get it.
she said she met someone special last night, and...
sometimes you... meet people in the... strangest places, yet...
they seem so familiar!

"mind the gap y’all"

between... where you're coming from and... where you're going...
you see... our destination is reached... in the moment we...
stretch our imagination and... ask for love...
you never know... what you might receive...
yesterday is gone... tomorrow never comes...
forget about the past... don't... worry about the future... cuz...
we only have the moment, and...
we can only... step... in-between.

"mind the gap y'all..."

she said she was... going back east to...
take care of her grandmother who...
always took care of her.

"mind the gap"...

between... where you come from and... where you're going...
between …' where you’ve been and…' where you need to be'.
sometimes this... life is full of... surprises...
a... strange synchronicity... moments that measure the...

"mind the gap y’all"…'

space... the... emptiness of separation between...
you and... me... we... need to pay attention, so...

"mind the gap y’all"...

the... in-between... time? the... gap...
between... spirit and... mind...
between the... thought and the... anticipation, between the... dream... and the... dream manifesting.

she said she... met someone special last night, and...
sometimes we meet people in the... strangest places...
sometimes we... meet beyond space and time... we...
meet... people... only in the mind...
before we meet them physically...
space and time are just... gaps... of synchronicity...
a pause in between breaths where... you and i are free...
to BE... Come... one... again...
see... the measure of love is... eternity, so...

"mind the gap y’all"...

between... where we’ve come from and... where we're going?
i don't understand... we... used to live in heaven, and...
now we are here?
if the reality is oneness... there's no...
space or distance between... I AM... us...
this and or... that, so...
we never really went... anywhere...
this... love has always been... there?

"mind the gap y’all"…'''

that... space in between that is... silent, where...
we... pay attention... to all that... jazz...
to our gifts... improvise the creative vibration...
sounding life... we're still... not... but we can hear
and... all that... matters... can appear...
it’s not where... your from or... where your going its...
where your at so we must... pay... attention and...

"mind the gap... y’all"...

she said she was...
tired of thinking too much... anticipating...
dreaming... dreaming manifesting, she said she...
met someone special last night...

loo000oove and happiness make you do wroooo0000ng
make you do riiiight , heeeeeeeey (heeey)!...

she said she was... going back east to...
take care of her grandmother who...
always took care of her.

"mind the gap"...

means... "goodbye"... in england…' in beijing, china its... "won chi ba."

stop! thinking too much... anticipating and... dreaming...
pay attention... to the…'' dream manifesting...
every moment is... meant to be...
lovers you know... they can... dream a reality.

"mind the gap y’all"...

between all thoughts that... stop you in your tracks...
cuz after all... is said and... done, the fun?
is in the stepping.
everything happens for a reason, and in the end...
everything always turns out right...
the goal is not to... reach a point... the point... is in the journey.

keep on truckin baaAaby!

she said she... met someone special last night... and...
sometimes we meet people in the... strangest places...
yet they seem... so familiar!

”excuse me, but... i... can’t get over the feeling that we...
met before, and if not then... we really need to meet... now...
cuz... i... never told you how sorry i am for hurting you...
or... you may just have saved my life...
or... we might join the ranks of the lovers...
or... this may be the end... of a new beginning."

"mind the gap y’all"...

between where we have been and... where we need to be...
that space where we are free... to be... one... again?

she said she was going back east to...
take care of her grandmother who...
always took care of her.
thinking... anticipating... dreaming... dreaming manifesting...
in-between here and now... in that space where i...
met her last night... at an artist's community...
or was it this morning at the movies?

"mind the gap y’all"... means...

"goodbye"... in england... in beijing, china it’s... "won chi ba."

but for those who realize that we can...
lose our minds to love when we...
let go of our egos, understand that...
if we pay attention... at the moment... we are...
lost in each other... we can find oneness, and...
did i forget to mention?
lovers often... dream their reality...
i know this sounds confusing, but...

"mind the gap"...

can also mean...

“hello my friend, its good to... see you again…' you've been gone for awhile, now…' your back, and... i'm soOo glad you are…' here."

“won chi ba”
that means "hello" in beijung, china... in england its...
"mind the gap."

and sometimes... it even means...
"you have to break your eyeglasses if you want to see... clearly!"

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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