the common... denominator

fom gil-scot heron to common…
the denominator…
that remains the same...
is the name "Original People"…
the god and the goddess…
the church and the steeple…
the mother and father…'''' come as ONE
ALL things being equal… their seed… the sequel…
gives birth to another ONE… another sun...
not cuz your mine… because you shine…
radiating light from the "Divine"…
we are ALL! thoughts…
from the original mind…
the breath of life…
to inspire and expire…
to inhale and exhale…
life is a rhythm…
a rhyme… a dance with seven veils…
like… hip! hop! tick…'''' tock…'''' you can't stop!…
the movements and measures of time…
the code of mathematics scales…
from zero to nine/nineteen, the cipher to be Born…
the natural order of elevation…
so why are we in decline?
kinky is just another word for spiral…'''' G!
it's your nature to wind…
to get wound and spring forth… resound…
blaze through summer…
then fall… rewind in winter, then…'''' rebound.
in the beginning was the word…
a movement in sound…
a tone becomes a verb…
the movement is the music…
the ways and actions are the measure… ya heard!
and yet I'm still disturbed…
by the amount of our people…
who refuse to hear… the song of the caged bird…
when it enters their inner ear…
whose wingtips pound their... "inner" ear drum…
it sings songs of free[the]dom…
flips the script…
so that blind, deaf, and dumb…
means that we have BEcome…
enlightened people, no longer medieval…
we see no.. hear no… speak no evil…
in just one moment… I believe we will…
dance to the music of the original drummer…
the beat of the original ONE…'''' love is god… god is love… the HEART!… is the original drum.
Can u feel it? Can u feel it? Our funky sensation!

Creative Commons License
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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