a question of... u!
sometimes particular themes take hold of me and i revisit them in different poems. there's the timelessness of love... the single drop in the ocean [u know the whole submerging yourself in another thang... ha ha ha]... the many natural signs that say, "love is the message", so MFSB... learn to love. don't know what i'm talking about? love is... U causing someone to feel so full of joy that they smile... a smile so full of... light... that... if they do it after a rain, and U stand at just the... right... angle... you'll see a rainbow above their head![a friends smile whispered that in my ear]
[photograph courtesy of Triambika]
the question that came to mind was...
where have i seen your face before?
the answer... was another question...
wherein endless answers lay...
waiting... to be voiced... to be heard...
where have I... not seen U?
I... see your face in the... rising of the sun...
your radiance... paints my horizons...
with... the colors of love...
I fear I will go blind if I stare too long in...
your eyes and...
just as the sun burns away the last vestiges of... morning dew...
all feelings of... lonliness... separation from the Beloved...
evaporate in the warmth of... U...
your smile.
hurry my love... come.. listen...
the Creator has given me eternity to...
describe my love for U but...
I am afraid I will run out of words and... time...
so... hurry my love!
U... who... capture my heart while... freeing my soul...
I have given up trying to... figure U out...
I... like the... endless adventure of...
U in... I and... I in... U...
a... single drop... I am... submerged in the...
ocean of your... being...
I am... caught in... rocked by...
wave after... wave... it is through free will I...
choose to be a... slave... to your...
timeless rhythm...
your celestial and... terrestrial...
laws of... nature... the....
multidimensional forms U... give them.
it is also my choice as a... poet...
to keep my... heart and... head in my hands...
my... real[ize]eyes on the prize...
the splendor of this creation...
this gives... purpose to my pen and...
poetic inspiration to...
raise my awareness... and my voice...
towards the... heavenly realms of U...
whose... breath sustains the flight of... birds in the sky...
the same breath that... inspired man and...
en-lightened man so that... he too could fly.
queen of my soul... goddess...
why has man foresaken thee?
I humble myself... before U and ask U...
to bless me...
with... eye-opening words... so perhaps...
I may help other to... see...
past the... shadows of their... individual existence...
to the one who simply says, "BE"... and it is!
sheyin... continue to raise my consciousness...
as I soar! higher than... angels...
the measure of... the words I express...
surpasses eternity...
for however... immeasurable... forever may seem...
it still falls short... the concept of... timelessness...
only BEGINS! to grasp... what I mean.
so what am I doing?
trying to define the... defineless...
give form to the... fromless...
describe a love... that is... beyond description...
U see?
I... am addicted to my thoughts of... loving U...
writing these words... my only prescription.

frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
where have i seen your face before?
the answer... was another question...
wherein endless answers lay...
waiting... to be voiced... to be heard...
where have I... not seen U?
I... see your face in the... rising of the sun...
your radiance... paints my horizons...
with... the colors of love...
I fear I will go blind if I stare too long in...
your eyes and...
just as the sun burns away the last vestiges of... morning dew...
all feelings of... lonliness... separation from the Beloved...
evaporate in the warmth of... U...
your smile.
hurry my love... come.. listen...
the Creator has given me eternity to...
describe my love for U but...
I am afraid I will run out of words and... time...
so... hurry my love!
U... who... capture my heart while... freeing my soul...
I have given up trying to... figure U out...
I... like the... endless adventure of...
U in... I and... I in... U...
a... single drop... I am... submerged in the...
ocean of your... being...
I am... caught in... rocked by...
wave after... wave... it is through free will I...
choose to be a... slave... to your...
timeless rhythm...
your celestial and... terrestrial...
laws of... nature... the....
multidimensional forms U... give them.
it is also my choice as a... poet...
to keep my... heart and... head in my hands...
my... real[ize]eyes on the prize...
the splendor of this creation...
this gives... purpose to my pen and...
poetic inspiration to...
raise my awareness... and my voice...
towards the... heavenly realms of U...
whose... breath sustains the flight of... birds in the sky...
the same breath that... inspired man and...
en-lightened man so that... he too could fly.
queen of my soul... goddess...
why has man foresaken thee?
I humble myself... before U and ask U...
to bless me...
with... eye-opening words... so perhaps...
I may help other to... see...
past the... shadows of their... individual existence...
to the one who simply says, "BE"... and it is!
sheyin... continue to raise my consciousness...
as I soar! higher than... angels...
the measure of... the words I express...
surpasses eternity...
for however... immeasurable... forever may seem...
it still falls short... the concept of... timelessness...
only BEGINS! to grasp... what I mean.
so what am I doing?
trying to define the... defineless...
give form to the... fromless...
describe a love... that is... beyond description...
U see?
I... am addicted to my thoughts of... loving U...
writing these words... my only prescription.
frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.