
some individuals may find this next piece offensive, but the reality is... it can not be offensive enough.
during the course of a conversation someone said, if the pope were weed he'd be the chronic. now... everyone who smokes knows that chronic is a term reserved for high quality weed, and using it as an analogy for the pope is just downright disrespectful... to good weed.
since it is a well known fact that religion is a drug used to sedate the masses i could see the analogy of religion and drugs, but i would not equate it with a "nice buzz"... if u know what i mean... lol.
some may want to get sentimental about john p's passing, but the fact of the matter is... like the rest of the catholic church, he basically turned his back on the atrocities being perpetuated by the church and it's priests. it is important we do not let our humanity whitewash the legacy of oppression and abuse that is the history of the church.


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