the sleeping butterfly

the sleeping butterfly dreamed… that it was a man…
the sleeping man… dreamed he was a poet…
the sleeping poet… inspired by his ancestors in matters of spirit…
consciously dreamed a… new world into view…
awake and asleep… merged into one state of awareness… where…
she! Reigned supreme… sovereign ruler of the…
heavens… and his heart…
see… life is a cycle of 360 degrees…
when the circle of dreams was complete…
the butterfly awoke to realize… it was just a man…
dreaming about his love for a woman.
now… fully aware and… mindful of her…
I cannot… tell you my name…
were you to ask me what it is… I would have to reply with hers…
I have become so overwhelmed with the spirit of… her being her…
I have… ceased… being… me…
for so long I have… dreamed of…
losing myself in the presence of another…
suddenly… she has become my… only reality…
I would think that I had gone insane… were it not for the fact…
that the spirits of my ancestors…
had previously prepared me… for her arrival…
thus allowing me to… lose my mind…
while… maintaining my sanity…
my soul’s desire… is to be in… close proximity to… her…
so I can… feel her… Afrikan energy…
I am a poet… in search of words…
striving to explain… how I lost myself…
yet discovered a… new identity…
now with vivacity I must… write and… recite…
a thousand and one poems…
just like this one… because whenever...
I am in her presence… I lose… me…
and my… ability to speak…
unless my words are... some… spiritually guided poetry… like…
I want to sit with her in Elizabeth park… amidst the roses…
and write poems about how… she! is the… mother of all flowers…
I want to… complete her throughout eternity…
I want to be the 360 seconds… in every… one of her hours…
I long to raise her Kundalini… her… seven afrikan powers…
my heart aches to be the sun of… her full moon…
I want to be her Sango and… she my Osun…
I her Ausar and… she my Auset…
every one of you... must understand…
this woman’s energy is so sensuous…
it is she!… who makes the oceans wet…
she can make a… fire sweat…
so much… that it douses it’s… own flame…
and these are just a few… of the reasons why…
if you ask me who I am…
I must tell you… her name… her presence…
circumscribes Olusanya…
until two energies... one masculine… one feminine…
vibe... merge and become… one and the… same…
do I sound intense? Well… you would too…
if you experienced an afrikan queen’s vibration so…
deep within your being it… annihilates you…
then… builds a palace of love upon your ruins…
surely you would give thanks to the…
architect of this new universe…
isn’t it obvious… that’s all I am doing…
now do you understand? Now… do you see?
I am completely lost within her quintessence…
so I have absolutely no problem… if you happen to call me…
by her name… because I… am also… she…
tapped in… and loving… the… “feminine” … side of me.

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