slambos... as opposed to... buddhalicious

during the summer of 2001 i went to seattle washington with three poets from connecticut to participate in the national poetry slams. overall it was a beautiful experience, but i realized that... like jazz and hip hop... spoken word is in grave danger of a "corporate takeover". see there's a fine line between performance art and... step'an fetch'it... between... informing the masses and... entertaining the massa's. i began my... slam rebellion, started writing anti-slam poetry... ha ha ha. this was my first, it was written in seattle on the day before we left to come home.
from connecticut to seattle i have traveled… asking myself…
did i have to journey from the east… to the west…
just to return to the home i had.. never left…
to my sacred garden of once forgotten dreams… where...
the illusions forms are scattered… like... wind blown dust…
and reality… is... xactly! what? …it seems!
where the words of poets reflect their creator’s spirit…
where the divine voice of silence speaks so LOUD…
u don’t nEED! and u don’t need ears to hear it!
blessed to see truth & nourish it’s seeds with words…
falling from my mouth like heaven’s rain… I have traveled…
to map poetic pathways… so u may navigate the many wrinkles of our brain…
and u have the audacity… to want me to entertain?
if poetry is entertainment 4 u… u will say i… slam…
however my reality is that poetry… is my word & bond…
so i say islam and represent… “i am that i am… i am”.
[peace & blessings to Ras Osagyefo]…
it’s useless but u… continue to try… to… limit my hustle…
my wop… my pop & lock… into a bullshit two-step…
so your earthbound ass can rock? i… think… therefore i am… not…
one of those slambos… or slamhoes…
doing silly poems about orange clovers and pinky toes…
or thinking explosive words are blowing minds… not just just... you mentally blowing your nose…
like... people want to share your poetic boogers…
poetry is food for thought… it should... nourish your soul…
it should touch u… move u… make u become… whole…
it should make u a hole… empty u… bury u alive… slay your ego…
fill u with spirit… resurrect u… show u what it means to… thrive!!!
how u must... go back… to get… ahead… poetry is a divine movement…
our elders fought for this, now… some of them are dead… but they all say…
“speak” speak about the spirit that gave birth to this universe…
speak about the sun, moon and stars… shit! put it in a verse, say...
“the sun the moon and stars don’t seem as far...
as they did yesterday”
speak to our Ancestral souls… sing to our Ascended spirit…
we’ll come to hear it… yeah!… cuz “real” poetry transcends the barriers of space and time… “real” poetry provides reason… even when there’s no rhyme…
real poetry makes people think! …until they “realize” ONE mind…
no longer mentally blind… get it? real poetry… is for real eyes
to realize… the reality… of oneness… in your mind…
giving sight to the… mentally blind... see me?
i see u! the “reality” is we are one… the “illusion” is we are two…
“real” poetry... cannot be given a number…
it is beyond the beyond… before the before…
after the after… and moor?… how do u reduce that to a score?
u don’t have a clue… huh! cuz u can’t… but i’ll tell u what u can… do…
on a scale of 0-30 give this poem a –32… the 3 is for your understanding…
the 2 is for my wisdoms water… the minus means i’m under your skin…
we’re at 32 below… and I have…. frozen u… at ONE!
did i have to journey from the east… to the west…
just to return to the home i had.. never left…
to my sacred garden of once forgotten dreams… where...
the illusions forms are scattered… like... wind blown dust…
and reality… is... xactly! what? …it seems!
where the words of poets reflect their creator’s spirit…
where the divine voice of silence speaks so LOUD…
u don’t nEED! and u don’t need ears to hear it!
blessed to see truth & nourish it’s seeds with words…
falling from my mouth like heaven’s rain… I have traveled…
to map poetic pathways… so u may navigate the many wrinkles of our brain…
and u have the audacity… to want me to entertain?
if poetry is entertainment 4 u… u will say i… slam…
however my reality is that poetry… is my word & bond…
so i say islam and represent… “i am that i am… i am”.
[peace & blessings to Ras Osagyefo]…
it’s useless but u… continue to try… to… limit my hustle…
my wop… my pop & lock… into a bullshit two-step…
so your earthbound ass can rock? i… think… therefore i am… not…
one of those slambos… or slamhoes…
doing silly poems about orange clovers and pinky toes…
or thinking explosive words are blowing minds… not just just... you mentally blowing your nose…
like... people want to share your poetic boogers…
poetry is food for thought… it should... nourish your soul…
it should touch u… move u… make u become… whole…
it should make u a hole… empty u… bury u alive… slay your ego…
fill u with spirit… resurrect u… show u what it means to… thrive!!!
how u must... go back… to get… ahead… poetry is a divine movement…
our elders fought for this, now… some of them are dead… but they all say…
“speak” speak about the spirit that gave birth to this universe…
speak about the sun, moon and stars… shit! put it in a verse, say...
“the sun the moon and stars don’t seem as far...
as they did yesterday”
speak to our Ancestral souls… sing to our Ascended spirit…
we’ll come to hear it… yeah!… cuz “real” poetry transcends the barriers of space and time… “real” poetry provides reason… even when there’s no rhyme…
real poetry makes people think! …until they “realize” ONE mind…
no longer mentally blind… get it? real poetry… is for real eyes
to realize… the reality… of oneness… in your mind…
giving sight to the… mentally blind... see me?
i see u! the “reality” is we are one… the “illusion” is we are two…
“real” poetry... cannot be given a number…
it is beyond the beyond… before the before…
after the after… and moor?… how do u reduce that to a score?
u don’t have a clue… huh! cuz u can’t… but i’ll tell u what u can… do…
on a scale of 0-30 give this poem a –32… the 3 is for your understanding…
the 2 is for my wisdoms water… the minus means i’m under your skin…
we’re at 32 below… and I have…. frozen u… at ONE!
that’s… PositiveEnergyAlwaysControllingEnvironments…
and this is a “real” poem…
and this is a “real” poem…
THINK ABOUT IT! (said the shotgun to the head)