she walks... i trip
the rhythm of this woman’s… stride…
it… carries me away… her… smooth glide…
the gentle sway of… her hips…
they… take me on trips… that... transcend time…
so far beyond space… i must… literally go… “out”…
of my mind… just to find a place… to“begin”
(if need be i will… “beg” to get… “in”)… her grace…
to become more … aware of her… temporarily speechless… i… stare at her.
make no mistake… this is not a… lust thing…
it is a trust… that she can bring… us… to the...
pinnacles…of this... penta-sensational creation…
she is my… mother nature… nurturing... nations and civilizations…
within her womb… were it necessary… i would raze whole forests…
just to make room… for her…
rhythmic passages through… time… in every strand of her locks…
i see... interlocked… thousands of ancestral souls… that have been rocked…
by the massive and… inhumane crimes… of…
humanoid individuals possessed by... animalistic minds… i must protect her…
as if she were an... endangered species…
leaving… no stones unturned… i must make sure that...
every time she turns around and... looks at me… she sees…
her safety… and a love… for all… lifetimes…
because I am sure i have… loved her before…
yet… not here… but on some… faraway shore… somewhere…
so i… travel.. astrally… to review our love’s... mystery…
as it was written long ago… a…long the banks… of the nile…
in hieroglyphics on the walls of pyramids…
where i find a picture of an ancient… kamitic queen/mother with... her smile…
her eyes… her lips… her cheeks… her breasts… her thighs… her hips…
yes! this… quintessential queen… walks into view… and...
i’m the one who… trips…into yesterdays and tomorrows…
caught in a web of dreams… i realize…
one who does not seize… the moment… only borrows… time…
and time… and time… passes… again… i want to approach her…
say, “greetings my love… it’s… so good to see you again… but… then…
what if she doesn’t remember i am her once and… future king?…
what if she doesn’t remember a single thing…
about the many lives that we shared…as husband and wife?
what if her memories are only of this…
present… life, …or incarnation?… what if she cannot recall…
how our union was the… perfect embodiment…
the living… personification…of divine ecstasy…
before… during… and after… creation?
what if i whisper… tenderly…
“peace my queen” …only to suffer emotional devastation…
because she doesn’t… remember me?
see… she walks… and i trip…
from the gentle sway of her hips…over the moment…
so… time… passes me… bye!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
the rhythm of this woman’s… stride…
it… carries me away… her… smooth glide…
the gentle sway of… her hips…
they… take me on trips… that... transcend time…
so far beyond space… i must… literally go… “out”…
of my mind… just to find a place… to“begin”
(if need be i will… “beg” to get… “in”)… her grace…
to become more … aware of her… temporarily speechless… i… stare at her.
make no mistake… this is not a… lust thing…
it is a trust… that she can bring… us… to the...
pinnacles…of this... penta-sensational creation…
she is my… mother nature… nurturing... nations and civilizations…
within her womb… were it necessary… i would raze whole forests…
just to make room… for her…
rhythmic passages through… time… in every strand of her locks…
i see... interlocked… thousands of ancestral souls… that have been rocked…
by the massive and… inhumane crimes… of…
humanoid individuals possessed by... animalistic minds… i must protect her…
as if she were an... endangered species…
leaving… no stones unturned… i must make sure that...
every time she turns around and... looks at me… she sees…
her safety… and a love… for all… lifetimes…
because I am sure i have… loved her before…
yet… not here… but on some… faraway shore… somewhere…
so i… travel.. astrally… to review our love’s... mystery…
as it was written long ago… a…long the banks… of the nile…
in hieroglyphics on the walls of pyramids…
where i find a picture of an ancient… kamitic queen/mother with... her smile…
her eyes… her lips… her cheeks… her breasts… her thighs… her hips…
yes! this… quintessential queen… walks into view… and...
i’m the one who… trips…into yesterdays and tomorrows…
caught in a web of dreams… i realize…
one who does not seize… the moment… only borrows… time…
and time… and time… passes… again… i want to approach her…
say, “greetings my love… it’s… so good to see you again… but… then…
what if she doesn’t remember i am her once and… future king?…
what if she doesn’t remember a single thing…
about the many lives that we shared…as husband and wife?
what if her memories are only of this…
present… life, …or incarnation?… what if she cannot recall…
how our union was the… perfect embodiment…
the living… personification…of divine ecstasy…
before… during… and after… creation?
what if i whisper… tenderly…
“peace my queen” …only to suffer emotional devastation…
because she doesn’t… remember me?
see… she walks… and i trip…
from the gentle sway of her hips…over the moment…
so… time… passes me… bye!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.