a safe haven

nature reclaimed me as... one of her own,
my... surroundings, my words... a reflection of her... nurture.

i used to live in the city where...
mankind... with their... mob mentality...
has given trees concrete shoes...
sending them to...
sleep with the fishes in rivers and oceans...
polluted by industrial waste... as we...
race to consume...

watching reality tv... was as simple as...
looking out of my apartment window...
where there is no... pg-13 or...
parental guidance suggested... seems like...
everyone has been recruited as the... new XXX...
and life... is for mature audiences only...

the children... have been left alone to...
fend for themselves, thus...

the good die young and... evil matures like...
fine wine and... aged cheese... the funky smell?
a dead and decaying society...
a fermented mentality rapidly... rises...
there is a... fungus among us!

so i... switched to the... nature channel...
i watch... sunrises over treetops...
trees that stand in their... bare feet...
offering the shelter of their branches to birds...
wiggling their roots in the soil of the mother...
[there's... something about the feel of...
earth between your toes]...

see... my thought processes were always free...
to soar with an eagles vision between earth and sky...

they were just waiting for a... safe place to land...
now they rest... in the arms of the mother...
looking at the world with a...
bird's eye view.

it's all a matter of perspective... u feel me?

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