poetry for... pro[fits]phets
the... thief of sleep suggested i spend...
part of my nights in... meditation and prayer...
instead of... sleep... then...
during the day if i... make a wish i... might...
but through the power of will i... may...
dream... brand nu... bian realities that...
awaken me to my... soul's ascension a...
black sun rising... a... communicable... ease! of this...
babylon and... babble on and on tension...
shining light that... reflects in her eyes and...
my spirit waxes poetic my... heart wanes, my... mind...
wanders in vain so i... fly kites to...
rendevous with... motherships as... astral planes drop...
word bombs from... loose-lips... thought-seeking missiles...
seek to explain the unseen as they... penetrate the...
earthy crust of your... brain an... abstract rose that...
grows in between the... cracks of concrete thought patterns...
because whether it has been done once... or a million times...
all brainwashing leaves a... stain... like... rings around...
saturn or... links in a... mental chain... the last thing...
a poet should have on their minds... before they utter their...
first word is... whether or not their words will...
entertain... or their poetry becomes nothing more than a...
meal ticket for... simple and plain... processed food for...
lazy minds... having no... nutritive value you... mentally...
digest it an... hour later your... hungry a...gain...
that's why... every now and then i do... open mic fasts...
see... my spirit needs to be fed and... i am too hungry for...
empty words... so if... these words do not move you...
or... seem to go over your head... it makes no sense/cents...
to buy my... book or... cd... pay... attention! ...instead.
i am a... product of... poetry, poetry is not... a product of... me,
and neither one is... up for sale.
i saw an... advertisement... for blue pepsi...
wherein... spoken word... was being used commercially...
in a conscious mode of enemy analysis... whenever... I...
watch t.v...
my thoughts progressed, it... dawned upon me...
here... was another step in the pimping of the principles...
the beauty... and the truth of... poetry.
the art of the spoken word... is dangerously close...
to becoming the art of... selling words...
this is what happens... when you separate your art...
from your... spirituality... as far as this "I/eye" can see...
the only time you don't separate the church...
thou art... your spirit...
from the state of your being... is in your worship...
of the... almighty dollar...
as a poet... this trend I am seeing...it... makes me want to...
my poetry is not about profits... and currency...
my poetry is all about... prophets... and... prophecy...
a timeless river of wisdom... the currents of this... "All I See"...
flow through the words of... prophets... and... poets...
messengers of the... word made flesh...
through the creative breath... of...
thou art the... I Am... that... I Am...
shaping a poem... and... calling it... hu[womb]man...
so it stands to reason... the art of the spoken word...
should be... about... worship... giving thanks and praise...
to the One... Hu... has shaped me...
through the art of... word shape... through... word ships...
that... carry me... home.
i am an empty vessel... for the Most High...
empty... so that I may be filled with... passages... of time...
a... passenger... in a voyage towards humanity...
navigating... the seas of my mind... see?
my words carry me home... they... carry me away from... insanity...
from... insane practices...like... the art of spoken word...
being used to sell... blue pepsi... instead of...
tuning you in to your... destiny...
as you... chase that paper god you trust...
haven't you realized yet?
without that... breath... of spirit...given to us by our Creator...
we are ALL... just... dust...
my words carry me away from your ... diabolical dichotomy...
so... Madison Avenue... leave my... art of spoken word alone...
it is not for selling your... dolphin safe (but it's cool to kill) tuna...
to the... chickens of this sea...
or for selling... the colorful, yet corrosive concoction... you call... blue pepsi...
my poetry is not for... profits... or currency...
my poetry is for... prophets... and prophecy...
my words... must be shaped...
into vessels... that remind all of us... of our... inner divinity...
carrying me home... carrying you home... carrying... us... HOME!

Radiant BE'IN! a personal practice of Right Livelihood by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
part of my nights in... meditation and prayer...
instead of... sleep... then...
during the day if i... make a wish i... might...
but through the power of will i... may...
dream... brand nu... bian realities that...
awaken me to my... soul's ascension a...
black sun rising... a... communicable... ease! of this...
babylon and... babble on and on tension...
shining light that... reflects in her eyes and...
my spirit waxes poetic my... heart wanes, my... mind...
wanders in vain so i... fly kites to...
rendevous with... motherships as... astral planes drop...
word bombs from... loose-lips... thought-seeking missiles...
seek to explain the unseen as they... penetrate the...
earthy crust of your... brain an... abstract rose that...
grows in between the... cracks of concrete thought patterns...
because whether it has been done once... or a million times...
all brainwashing leaves a... stain... like... rings around...
saturn or... links in a... mental chain... the last thing...
a poet should have on their minds... before they utter their...
first word is... whether or not their words will...
entertain... or their poetry becomes nothing more than a...
meal ticket for... simple and plain... processed food for...
lazy minds... having no... nutritive value you... mentally...
digest it an... hour later your... hungry a...gain...
that's why... every now and then i do... open mic fasts...
see... my spirit needs to be fed and... i am too hungry for...
empty words... so if... these words do not move you...
or... seem to go over your head... it makes no sense/cents...
to buy my... book or... cd... pay... attention! ...instead.
i am a... product of... poetry, poetry is not... a product of... me,
and neither one is... up for sale.
i saw an... advertisement... for blue pepsi...
wherein... spoken word... was being used commercially...
in a conscious mode of enemy analysis... whenever... I...
watch t.v...
my thoughts progressed, it... dawned upon me...
here... was another step in the pimping of the principles...
the beauty... and the truth of... poetry.
the art of the spoken word... is dangerously close...
to becoming the art of... selling words...
this is what happens... when you separate your art...
from your... spirituality... as far as this "I/eye" can see...
the only time you don't separate the church...
thou art... your spirit...
from the state of your being... is in your worship...
of the... almighty dollar...
as a poet... this trend I am seeing...it... makes me want to...
my poetry is not about profits... and currency...
my poetry is all about... prophets... and... prophecy...
a timeless river of wisdom... the currents of this... "All I See"...
flow through the words of... prophets... and... poets...
messengers of the... word made flesh...
through the creative breath... of...
thou art the... I Am... that... I Am...
shaping a poem... and... calling it... hu[womb]man...
so it stands to reason... the art of the spoken word...
should be... about... worship... giving thanks and praise...
to the One... Hu... has shaped me...
through the art of... word shape... through... word ships...
that... carry me... home.
i am an empty vessel... for the Most High...
empty... so that I may be filled with... passages... of time...
a... passenger... in a voyage towards humanity...
navigating... the seas of my mind... see?
my words carry me home... they... carry me away from... insanity...
from... insane practices...like... the art of spoken word...
being used to sell... blue pepsi... instead of...
tuning you in to your... destiny...
as you... chase that paper god you trust...
haven't you realized yet?
without that... breath... of spirit...given to us by our Creator...
we are ALL... just... dust...
my words carry me away from your ... diabolical dichotomy...
so... Madison Avenue... leave my... art of spoken word alone...
it is not for selling your... dolphin safe (but it's cool to kill) tuna...
to the... chickens of this sea...
or for selling... the colorful, yet corrosive concoction... you call... blue pepsi...
my poetry is not for... profits... or currency...
my poetry is for... prophets... and prophecy...
my words... must be shaped...
into vessels... that remind all of us... of our... inner divinity...
carrying me home... carrying you home... carrying... us... HOME!
Radiant BE'IN! a personal practice of Right Livelihood by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.