om and... om


yeah! i go... om... and om... and...
om and... om...
intimate conversations with the sun...
at the... break of dawn...
like... ultraviolet rays... her words...
catalyze an... instantaneously gradual...
a full understanding... of a...
multidimensional alignment...
my... myriad selves... the fractures...
of a broken heart... and mind... mend...
the trance... ends... no more...
ascends... or... descends...
as... past... life... times... with her...
flash before my eyes...
placing this intellects perceptions...
of this... life... time... in perspective...
a door... to divine wisdom opens...
traveling at the speed of thought... i... realize...
the illusions of the... space-time continuum...
the mental myth of... i cogito... ergo sum...
how can there be... an i... and/or a... she...
when... in fact... we... are one...
see...i had to go... above and beyond...
the mind... to overcome fission...
and experience... fusion... with this sun...
now the... i... that is... me
says to the... i... that is... she...
come! into my life... i’ve got so much to give...
yes! come!... again... again... and again...
we’ve been in love since before... the beginning...
and will... be... after the... end...
how’s that for... multi orgasmic?
with a love cosmic... there’s no need to...
pretend... get it?
if not... your thinking too much...
just know... and remember... neo...
it’s the... mind that... bends...
i know this... cuz this woman has said...
things I’ve only mentioned... to my self...
causing me to say... half-heartedly...
“get out of my... head!”
yet... her presence... within...
sustains my... mental health...
so... she... just laughed heartily... instead...
impossible... it is... to separate the...
water from the wave...
she is my finger... pointing at the ocean...
and the... ocean itself...
thoughts of her... cause my mind to crash...
functioning... beyond the parameters... of it’s... mental artifacts...
it knows not... how to... behave...
no... trains of thought...
arrive as scheduled... some... don’t even make their connections...
so i... never reach... a point...
so i... don’t pay... attention...
letting my thoughts take me... nowhere...
cuz all points are just... projections of her...
and she... is always... right... here...
her presence... is the essence... of me...
no matter... whether i am... or... i am not...
she is forever... there...
and she is not... nor... am i...
that’s the point!... where?... we are...

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