last night i... dreamed

[photograph courtesy of Denise Harris]

last night i dreamed… that i… tapped into my… feminine side… and i... woke up… pregnant… with possibilities… and sincere proposals… of my love for u.
this was the "be" side… to a dream i had the night before… wherein… as i meditated upon the nature of the universe… it… fashioned itself… into the form of a woman… and i… made love to her… during which… yeah!… i felt the earth move… as… stars winked! … in and… out of existence… with each… up and… down… stroke… while i rode… upon the wavelike energy… of this cosmic womb… i felt my… ego… lose itself… in her essence… while still thinking… i was… just a man… i said… "say my name…woman… yeah!… say my name"...
every cell of my… "being"… resonating with the voice… of this creative energy… cried out in unison…
"jah… allah… jehovah… krishna… jesus… kuan yin… yemoja… auset… mawu… u see? i and u… it was the fire… of our desire… that gave birth to the… sun… of man… and the water-like nature… of our spirits… that gave birth… to the femi-nine…planets… each with it's own orbit… a cipher… for those who… understand it… now… i!… understand… the reality of revolution… is the revelation of nature's laws… and the number one law of… natural motion is… i… revolve around… u… and… u… revolve around me…like planets… we… dance to the music… of the spheres… and a universal song called… life and… love.
as i began to… wake up… to become… more fully aware… i opened my eyes and… u!… were standing there… making all! of my dreams… visions... suddenly… "real". indeed! ...last night i dreamed… that i tapped into my feminine side… and woke up… pregnant… with possibilities… consumed by passion… possessing new abilities… to make this!… sincere proposal… of love… to u…
woman… anytime… and i do mean… anytime! it seems like the "reality" of your love… is like a diamond with no… "bling-bling"… or has become… gold that has no gleam… u have my... open invitation… to let go of… u know?… exit… stage left… your… "reality"… and... enter… stage right… into my "dream"… of ... "universal" love.


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