
staring at her image with… 3 eyes…
i... trace the arch of her eyebrow...
to the... queen's chamber of a...
pyramid... before the...
worship of the moon... was...
eclipsed by the... sun of man.

as... brown eyes became...
black holes... absorbing the light...
of me... into the... night of... SHE...
once again... to experience… spirituality...
before... the advent of... religion...
and... man-made dogma.

hidden passages… were revealed…
doorways to new dimensions…
with stars … serving as… peepholes…
so we could… watch a UnIverse unfold…
expanding… reaching…
towards each… other?

two bodies?
in denial of…
all physical laws we…
swim… in the… nile of… cosmic waves…
occupying the same space and…
time… our love’s ocean…
is… drawn up… by the…
sun and… moon…
then… succumbs to the… gravity of this…
moment in… mind… collapsing…

upon the surface of each other’s… atmosphere…
planets are… penetrated to their core…
slipping into darkness…
seeds of a… new awareness…
take root… nourished… by the… Mother.

this is a... love letter…
a… thelonius monk... love in... "C" major...
"straight up... no chaser"...
an… overture… a…
musical movement towards love…
a... smile...
tossed in the air…
by hands...
clasped in mudras...
it... sprouts wings...
and rises until...
it becomes… another...
sun… who...
stands before HER...
follows... after...
rises and falls…
casting no shadows...
choreographing spanda-ballets...
accompanied by…
the music of...
her laughter...
even in her silence...
she speaks volumes...
if u listen…
even in her silence…
i hear… syncopated rhythms…
so i… dance…
to the beat of... a... different drum.

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


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