deep space nine

Hardware [Milestone Comics]

stranded... stranded on the toilet bowl...
what do u do... when u have no role?
no role... to wipe that... shit stain... off your brain...
cuz the thoughts u digest... maintain...
the... waste products of...
feeding upon...the lifeless... remains...
of a... dead... society.
i have come to... flush your... mind...
like a... high... colonic.
i cleanse the tracts of your... brain...
with... radiant... mental waves...
speaking... in the first... per... sonic...
vibration. word sound is power...
causing... peristaltic movement...
in the bowels of your... intellect...
purifying the... state of your mind... and...
elevating your spiritual station.
creating... ritual in the minds of everyone.
partners in crime... in this...
un-stickup... of your... state of... stuck-up...
too many... swollen egos with...
seriously impacted... mental constipation.

So... in.. keeping... our mind... focused...
on the universal mind... that gave birth to...
the heavens and... earth at the same time...
and every moment.
I could never allow... 3 minutes to be a barrier...
to an infinite rhyme.
my word is my bond... inspired... by the divine.
earthbound... poets... RISE! like the sun...
resurrect your orientation... to the ONE!
giver of vibration... movement... and measure.
unveil the... hidden... treasure...
that desires... to be known.
real-I’s... see the prize... is in the creation...
If thou art... as... I am...
find your... metaphoric balls...
and... SEIZE! your poetic throne.
this is my demonstration.
I call it my...deep space nine...
shining light on the... inner darkness of your mind.
the... word made... flesh... sound with substance.
it’s a given... words create... they matter...
everything else is a... waste of breath.
u... want to fire people up but your... gas less.
I... don’t come pretty but I’m...
beautiful nonetheless... poem.

in deep... space...
nine... planets... revolve... around the sun...
we remain conditioned by... One... the earth.
yet we continue... to ignore her...… UnI...versal... signs...
one example... of her... ample...
why?... If the planet is covered ¾’s by water...
do we watch our... earth mothers...
and nature’s daughter...
expose the... depths of their oceans...
where only... penetrating rays should shine...
to superficial "others"... without a deep thought...
or even a... faint notion... in their... lust-filled minds...
then absurdly... we react... with surprise...
when her hidden wealth... is prematurely unveiled...
to the desires of those... naked eyes...
one should first learn to read... and understand...
the book of... mother nature...
all of... her hidden treasures... will be revealed... in due time.

speaking of... that measure...
it has certainly... been my... pleasure...
to share your energy... and... fertilize your mind...
with… some family jewels.
but as I said... towards the start...
slam rules?... give a... 3 minute limit?... to the infinity of Thou Art?
it’s a good thing it only takes... one moment...
for inspired words to... touch your heart,
so by now... I should be... ALL!... up in it.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


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