crazy baldhead

i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head… you can’t…
chase out of… town.
with my… shaved head… full of… twisted thoughts…
i lock dread… in the hearts and minds of the… living dead…
the ones called… mankind… those who… still buy into the myths of babylon…
even as it… burns to the ground…
while the babalawo sifts through the patterns of it’s ashes… to divine the…
next movement in sound…
your approach to each creative moment should be fresh… spirit open and in tune…
with the ONE… HU is… All…
as this… word is made flesh… and we separate the profane… from the profound…
tap into the energy of your… true spiral g!… raise your kundalini… from it’s root…
to it’s crown…
the secret to why they dread i and i is… locked! …
in a genetic code… that is... tightly wound… throughout this creation…
and must be unbound… through meditation… and creative visualization…
that is where the “essence” of the… “blackheart” man is found…
so i’m… slipping into darkness…
surely these are signs… for those with understanding.
yeah… i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head…who said.
what can a hairdo? if you can’t get to the root…
of the… prince… ras tafari… makkonen… his.imperial.majesty… haille selassie i…
spirit of god… within you…
Divine Nature A lock… DNA… twisted by grand design…
still… failing to see the signs… you twist your hair… and knot your mind…
leaving yourself in a mental bind where… thoughts spin counter-clockwise…
and although… conscious of divine consciousness…
you remain spiritually… blind…
born to be the light of the black sun… you forgot how to shine…
when out of tune with it’s true nature… even a nature that springs forth…
from eternity… can… run out of time…
while we… sit and whine about it’s waste… we are wasting our wind…
desperately holding on to our cleverly coifed egos…
we never get the opportunity to feel our spirits… intertwine…
so... come here my dear… i promise… i won’t mess up your hair.
see… i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head…you can’t… you can’t.
you cannot think that… how you appear…
can even begin to disguise… the wicked values to which you… still adhere…
under the surface of that... afrikan heritage you display…
buried deep there’s an unconscious fear that just… won’t go away…
that you cannot address… becuz you don’t know it’s there…
a mental block placed within you… because they dread!
the magic of your melanin…
the rich elemental hues… man… of the… muwaahh... sun-kissed skin your in…
the locus coeruleus… the black dot… the hidden doorway… to your inner head…
yet… so afraid to face… and unravel the mysteries of your inner darkness…
you place… nightlights around your bed…
please don’t feed… the animal side… of your nature…
nurture your vital… ital… spirit… instead…
the Ancestors have said... starve a devil… feed a god.
feel me? i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head… i’m that crazy bald-head… who said?
free minds… often lock their hair… but it takes more than locked hair to…
free your mind!

Creative Commons License
Radiant BE'IN! a personal practice of Right Livelihood by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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