the sun is... shining

the... sun is shining... the... sun is... shining... the sun is... shining... the sun is shining it... always is... that is it's nature... although... at the time of this writing... it is through the haze of... canadian widlfires the wind... still whispers in my ear... the birds in the trees tell 'A'... story only they can tell... their... musical language in praise of the... Most High... the only... "spin"... being put on it... is the gentle revolution of her... Earth... as she revolves... around the sun... his light... fingers... softly tracing the... surface of her skin... i see an... underlying beauty... throughout this... creation... my secret... to love, peace, and... happiness... is found therein... while... man tells tall tales of his... own glory... nature speaks with... every facet of her BEing... a witness... to the beauty of the... ONE. you wonder why? i meditate on the... ocean... the sun and... moon... attracting powers...