riding a train of thought, trying to get to... U! [a neverending journey]

someone called love the... vanishing point,
but that just confused me becuz...
i didn't sea love...
until u... appeared!

i... hold on to the "idea" of being a "single" drop...
just so i can feel the pleasure of...
losing myself in the...
ocean of your being.

the point of no return?

how can u return to somewhere u never left?
find something u never lost?
become something or somebody u...
already are?

playing hide and seek...
so i can experience the joy of...
finding myself...
over and over again...
in u!

falling down laughing becuz...
u were me... ALL of the time!
in fact...

we only created time to measure...
how long we can keep up...
the charade of separateness,
creating illusory moments...
past and...future....
veiling the now...
of our union.

like... clever ventriloquists we throw our voices...
our spirits...
from one form...
one body...
to the next, becuz...

no one form can contain a... luv supreme
[trane, janis, jimi, bird... and some of the other suns gone nova...
didn't do drugs to get high...
they were trying to come down, cuz...
nothing hooks u like... 1ness]

so we weave sounds...
[like my Baba weaves a white cloth]
fashioned into words...
projected by forms...
all emanating from ONE...

into a thousand points...
a million points...
points that surpass infinity, yet...
always/all ways revealing...
always/all ways returning...
to... ONE!

i call HER the... GOD'US.

we weave words that...
massage each others spirits,
opening hearts kept shut by an ego...
that would rather hold on to loneliness...
in order to be human...
than let go and...
BEcome... the GOD'US]

stop playing!

come here...
let me kiss u...
down there...
in the depths...

of your soul.

let's try a new position...
outside of our bodies...

make love so righteously...
we leave spots on the Sun!


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