sins of the parents [in 3 acts]

i was watching the television with my daughter when i saw the newscast about Carla Brucia for the first time. my daughter is three years older than Carla, the news of this little girls abduction touched, disturbed me deeply. i felt her parents pain, i thought it strangely ironic that, at a time when society seems fascinated by reality tv and these shows continually receive high ratings, reality was taking place on a tv... and no one paid any attention... yeah... this life's blessing was taken from her parents, but it didn't rate our viewership until it had become another one of our sick societies tragedies. this poem is my "i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take it anymore" statement about what we have allowed our so-called nation to become, our continuing failure to create a just society for our children, where we may nurture them and allow them to grow.

we used to pass on family traditions and life skills to our children, now... they either... pass on, or... they inherit locked doors and... bars on their windows... guns under their pillows, global drive-bys and fly-bys... the legacy of a nation that has become desensitized to death and is still convinced that... might makes right and... war makes money!

god bless amerikkka? land of the free... who have the... minds of a slave.
this poem is for little Carla Brucia.

holly wants to go to cali... fornia... holly would... if only holly could...
but she can’t...
the headline read... “little Carla wanted to be a star”... well NOW she is...
although I’m quite sure the... drama that put her... name up in lights...
was not... HER... idea of making it in... show biz...
a… sadist ended her “surreal life” while… most of us... looked the other way...
hey! Did you see... “My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance”... the other day?...
while Carla was being videotaped... a prequel...
volume one... being raped and murdered… the sequel... no one paid attention...
to this latest episode of... “Daylight Abductions”... her “reality”...
had not made it to... prime time yet...
so when she cried a child’s tears... due to her fears... of dying…
not one of us... heard her... crying... our eyes were wide-shut...
glued to our... T.V. sets... PLEASE LISTEN BELOVED!...
the more we “tune-in” to these so-called... “reality shows”...
the more “out-of-touch” with the... reality of... life... and death we get...
so... once again in broad daylight... (because in a blind society... pedophiles, perverts... and rapists no longer need to wait for the... dark of night)...
we lost another... earth daughter... how many of our moons will have to... vanish...
before we stem this... violently rising tide... how many wells will run dry before we...
become mindful of our... water?... instead of... mindlessly... allowing our attention...
to be... monopolized by... reality T.V.?
pied pipers leading our... children to slaughter... while we... like junkies... Sharing needles...
continue to transmit deadly strains of...
communicable dis-ease and... dis-order... in epidemic proportions...
just how blind... can america be?
boob-tubes... babysitting our children...
if your choice is not to... protect and respect... instead of... neglect...
the lives of your children... next time... be pro-life?
choose abortion...
before filling your head... with these... “illusions”... you call reality...
practice... a little caution... try... tearing your eyes... from the... Tel-lie-to-your-vision...
take a moment to be... circumspect...
our children... are not born to be the stars... of our sick societies... dramatic tragedies...
they are the... suns!... we always wanted... so... raise your eyes...
keep... your head... to the... sky! so that we may see... them shine!
holly wants to go to cali... fornia... holly would... if only Carla could...
but she cant! It’s time… to stop being a sycophant...
CUT! Let’s pick it up at Act 2; Scene 1...
parasites, politicians and... priests...
ticks... poli-ticks... con-men in lotus pose... doing parlor tricks...
turn “Last Suppers”... into daily feasts... on the flesh of our... innocents...
digested in the belly of this... beast... you are what you eat...
fast from fantasies of… walks upon water… walk a mile upon our mother the earth...
feel her... agony of... da’feet... you!… human plague upon the planet...
you try to command it... with your false sense of self... you lie... like a rug...
stained by... filthy minds... with dirty souls... you should be... hung up and beat...
they say... “music soothes the savage beast” so... come little drummer boy...
a new born king to see... barump a bum bum!
come little drummer girl!... I have a song for you to sing...
the gifts you bring... have been yours since birth...
yet... you keep following three blind mice...
parasites... politicians... and priests...
blue bloods... bleeding you for... all you are worth...
like... diabolical short order cooks... flipping your blessing...
into a... curse...
fascists farmer’s wives... cut off the... sacred cows ear... sell it to...
king louis vitton... makes a silk purse... sells it for a profit...
the rich get richer... the poor get... prison industrial complexes...
now who will... STOP IT!
not... poli-tick-tions or... false… prophets... shepherds of citizens...
shape-shifted into chattel... bartered to... international bankers...
like... herds of... headless cattle...
haven’t you heard?... this isn’t poetry... It’s spoken word... written...
tales of snakes with forked tongues... waiting in the grass to...
bite that ass... ignore their words... listen to their tales go... rattle...
prepare yourself for the... mystic’s battle... or forfeit the lives... of your young... who've been... bitten...
ooh! Say can you see!... star-spangled banners become...
symbols of societies... death and decay… forever hung... at... half mast...
what would our... Ancestors say... why do we... fast from... their food for thought...
slowly dying... because we.. keep on... dining... on F.D.A. approved fables...
so busy trying to keep up with the joneses... we don’t even read the... labels...
how come no one’s trying to see... what these... necro-nutritionists are...
bringing to the table?... no... bread and fish... which is my favorite dish...
they have us... tripping on the flesh of... mad cows... genetically modified fruits...
water from... acid rain... ask yourself... who’s fault... societies pain?...
all of these speeches on democracy... empty words... filled with hypocrisy...
and we in our silence promote... imperialistic kleptocracy...
as a result... in the creator’s plan... we have become the... foreign policy...
STOP THE CAMERAS! Scene 2; Act 3...
the buck stops here!
the bus stops... at bus stops... eyes... still sleepy watch...
clocks... on top of... skyscrapers that... fall short...
time is measured... seldom treasured... I’m late!... I’m late!... For a... very important date?... fuck finding my... destiny...
I just don’t want to... lose... my job... and THAT’S... the fact!
finding fate... is a pipe dream... up in smoke... comedians crack jokes...
while... coke... makes crack fiends... the choice of the... new generation...
thought seeds... continue to... seek penetration... through walls of... mental artifacts...
the walls between us... the walls between us... ALL must fall...
and yet still.. we... rush hours... into minutes... trying to make some... cents!...
but we won’t spend... a second... to be... still... and makes some sense of... this self...
before it’s... going... going...
the bus stops... at... bus stops... sleepy eyes watch...
our minds race...
run... run... run... while we... wait...
to be... going... going... gone... INSANE.
that’s what happens when... the intelligence of the Most High...
is sent to the... back of the bus... or the... human brain.

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