quite kwaito

it is afrikan house music that touches her spirit… and moves her body…
it is her body that… speaks to me in ancient tongues…
without words… yet full of meaning… my muse…
she dances to the rhythm of the universe… she steps…
with a graceful equilibrium that transcends the polarities of creativity…
merging... darkness and light… bridging the gap caused by the separation of black and white…
she stands between two worlds.. and binds them with the strength of her spirit…
giving courage to the ones who still fear the freedom of… oneness.
she inspires me… putting words in my mouth… nourishing my poetic destiny…
sometimes white people are just people… were the words she said to me…
yeah! and sometimes black people are just… people too…
but what do these words mean… in a world where… so many people… have forgotten…
what it means to be human…
conditioned by clichés like… this is a dog eat dog world…
our humanity has taken a backseat… and the animal side of our nature has…
become driven by ego… instead of guided by spirit…
the forms of our flesh… blind us to our mutual origins…
and the formlessness… of our divine… unity.
hmmm! then she said to me…
you have been born before your time…
compelled by a force i could not… did not want to… resist…
i… gazed into her eyes… the color of the sky…
so they could transport me to my future… at the same time…
reminding me of my past... through her ancestral echoes…
the one most high… blesses those who sacrifice…
it is true… the meek shall inherit the earth… and the first shall be the last.
reminded… of my humanity… charged by my destiny…
SHE… has sent me… to remind you…
despite the illusions of difference… and the im-posed conditions of our society…
we… must… remain… human...
and allow each other... to just BE… ONE! ...people.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.


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