if the pope were weed...

if the pope were weed...
be a sterile male plant...
who against his will was...
pollinated by some... feminist bush...
forced to... follow her lead...
lose all sense of self and potency...
get you there too fast...
crash too hard...
and generally allow you to say,
"not tonight... i have a... headache",
with no fear of it being a lie...
cuz that's the nature of...
bad weed...
but even so...
get you so fucking high on yourself...
you… could sleep peacefully at night while...
innocent virgins are...
sacrificed on altars of... hypocrisy and deceit...
no need... no need... for prozac...
just turn your frock'in back and...
close your ears...
papal vatican weed covers all fears...
leaving you in… in…
in mental stupor... and... u got the vapors...
shit! if the pope were weed i'd...
burn all my bongs, and...
write olu’ku's on all my... rice papers...

abandoned buildings...
like... churches and... dead icons...
are... empty... of love.

cuz… if the pope were weed...
start turf wars… over the control of…
lost souls… lost to massa’s religion…
the… opiate… of the masses…
binding you back… binding you… back…
to plantations… where…
negro spirituals… code songs for freedom…
are replaced by… gangsta rap…
code songs for… nigga get back… get back…
to where you know you... belong...

if the pope were weed…
put a kool-aid smile on your face…
lull you back into place… with…
prayers of comfort and…
promises of 40 acres… disguised as…
recording contracts…
you feeling me?
If the pope were weed…

olusanya would just say, "NO!"

cuz in it's... vampiric greed...
for the souls of humanity...
the church will... soak the remains...
of his memory...
in embalming fluid and... sell them as...

just... to get you... high?

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