
Showing posts from December, 2011

She... and I

I... wrote a poem... about how the Sun set on her lips... coloring them the perfect shade of love, making them... irresistably kissable, like... kissing a candle and having your heart suddenly burst into flames... She... acts as if my heart did not step sideways in my chest upon meeting her... redirecting love's journey in... Her direction, as if any conversation held with Her... could cover any subject other than... Her... effect upon the UnIverse. I... wrote a poem... about Her... read it at the foot of a mountain, where witnesses swear the mountain moved closer, to hear me speak about my love for Her, but... SHE... remained distant Do U love music? Do U know me? then U know why I... describe Her... as 'love's finest instrument'... waiting to be loved... to be learned... to be played. I… long to lay hands upon her and… coax her soul's music to the surface. She... is the 4 bars of perfect music used to compos...

consumer reports

feelings... seriously just check them out. as fickle as they are fleeting... they come and go on their own volition... leaving us to figure out what to do with their footprints. how to increase... or decrease... their carbon footprint, or any other marks they leave on our BEing. as if... i have no idea where this train of thought leads, or if it has a point. i just need to write at this moment... when my mind is trying to wrap itself around painful feelings that my spirit can't help but smile at. history dictates that these emotional stumbling blocks will become spiritual stepping stones towards a greater understanding of my BEing [sometimes referred to as... olusanya] and love for the personifications of the Divine Mother, maybe even some fly-ass poetry. feelings are easy, but love... love is all-consuming, and anyone who thinks different... just aint tasted the madness yet. they haven't set foot on the sun and been consumed by it's flames... enveloped by it's fi...


one day while meditating on the nature of the UnIverse it... fashioned itself into the form of a woman and i... made luv to her! i fell "out" of luv with my "ego" and "in" luv with the UnIverse and everything and everyone in it. now... i'm just a man in luv, looking for luv in ALL the right places... seeing luv on ALL of your faces! yes!!! everywhere i turn i see the face of the God'Us! thus... this forms the basis of my BEing... writing... "soul- freeing" words to chew on, mentally digest and... SPIT! frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License .