i'm... melting

fingertips to temples we... worship. bodies in motion... like planets we... come... together, UnI... verses are... born. stargates with... blue arches... transport me to inner dimensions where... I seek the measure of... time, and... eternal moments. we made luv in a pyramid and... gave birth to... matriarchal dynasties, where mooning women weave black wholes. my light... collapses into your gravity... well... your water... never running... dry. my evolution is a... revolution. returning to the center of my BEing... I long to be ONE... again. no longer becoming... i choose to BE... COME... let's give each other the... gift of... fire! spontaneously... Come... Bust... combust! nothing quite like the... transformative power of... passion's flames. U feelin me? I wanna melt with U! frOM mY aSHEs... a pOeT? by Olusanya Bey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License .